In this post we will talk about things that are there to know related to M-D relationship.
I will try to cover things from basic to corner cases around M-D relationships.
Hopefully you will find something new in below post.
- Owner field is not available on detail object rather it is set to owner of master record.
- Sharing rules, manual sharing or queues cant be defined for detail object as these require owner field
- OWD of detail object is controlled by Parent.
- We have limit to create 40 relationship on an object and that limit can be achieved in any of below pattern.
- 39L 1 M
- 38L 2 M
- 40L
- When we say an object has limit of 2 M-D its related to how many parents an object can have not how many details a parent can have. For example Object A could be detail to Object B and Object C making it a junction object. I cant make it detail to Object D now.
- When it comes to how many detail objects a master can have, as far as I know there is no limit, I have tested till 12 details under same master object. Do try it in your org...
- Standard objects can't be on the detail side of a M-D relationship ie I cant even create Master detail relationship between two standard objects as that would mean one of them to be on detail side.
Currently there is an idea pending for enabling M-D between standard objects but not sure if it would be allowed as it would impact underlying schema,security,permissions and what not related to objects.
Link to Idea :
- You can have up to three custom detail levels ie for example
- Castle
- Property (Level 1)
- Supply (Level 2)
- Treasure (Level 3)
- We cant create master-detail relationship if the object already contains data. There are two ways to do it:
- We can either create a lookup field and then fill up all the records with a proper value then convert it into lookup.
- Else we can go ahead and hard delete all the records , soft delete doesn't work as records stay in recycle bin for 15 days.
- In a multi level relationship we cant create a roll-up field directly on grand child object ie in below scenario.
- Castle - Parent
- Property - Child
- Supply - Grand child
- We cant delete an object which is master to any object.But we can delete an object which is on detail side of relationship. Here is a catch though if you at some point of time undelete the object relationship would be converted to lookup.
- Now lets talk about deleting records in M-D relationship I have added few scenarios below:
- If I delete a detail record, master record stays intact and if i undelete detail record it will be linked back to master record.
- If I delete master record all detail records will be deleted (ie including grand child records) and if I undelete the master record all the child records will also be undeleted and restored with old connections.
- However if I delete a detail record first then delete a master record. Now if I undelete master record it will be restored back but without detail record and there is no way restore detail record now.
- We can create cross object workflow in case of master detail relationship ie I can create a workflow on child object to update a field on parent object which is not allowed in case of lookup relationship.
- You cant create master detail relation between custom object and User,Lead,Product,Pricebook etc you can although create lookup.
- A little about Junction objects (objects used to create M:M relationship) :
- If any of the master records are deleted junction object record will also be removed, if master record is undeleted junction object record is also restored back.
- Deleting a junction object record doesn't delete master records.
- First master detail created on Junction object is considered as primary relationship and if primary relationship is converted into lookup or deleted, other M-D relationship becomes primary.
- Junction object inherits look and feel from primary relationship moreover junction object inherits value of owner from primary relationship.
- OWD of junction object is most restrictive of both parents ie if Parent 1 is (Public Read only) and Parent2(Private) OWD of junction object will be private.
- User must have at-least read access to both the parent records to be able to access junction object records.
- Junction objects cant have any details objects.
Note : Above points are written assuming junction object is created with 2 M-D relationship.